
MI5 outs Christine Lee as ‘Spy’ - big donations to Barry Gardiner - dodgy!

In a rare move, MI5 - British Military Intelligence - issued an alert to Members of Parliament, warning them about a woman, Christine Lee, who is believed to have been working as an agent for the Chinese state and trying to influence British politicians. This week Nexus speaks with Anthony Glees, a Professor in Security and Intelligence Studies who says the British public are not taking the China threat seriously enough, Philip Ingram, a Former Colonel in British Military Intelligence who thinks Barry Gardiner was a likely gateway to valuable information, Nicholas Eftimiades, a Former CIA Special Agent who has dedicated his life's work to understanding the methods of spies and elaborates in his book 'Chinese Espionage: Operations and Tactics,' and Einar Tangen, a China Analyst pushes back by offering an alternative view, 'what if Christine Lee was a business woman mixing with prominent figures to build rapport.'

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