
AI-powered app helps merchants to assess the quality of tuna

The highest quality Bluefin Tuna can each weigh hundreds of kilograms and are sold for millions of dollars. According to the Organization for the Promotion of Responsible Tuna Fisheries, around 2 million tons of tuna is consumed around the world annually. Now, an artificial intelligence system called 'Tuna Scope' is helping merchants find and buy tuna to their taste. Sena Saylan has the story. Science & Technology news 👉 Animal Kingdom 👉 ➡ TRT World’s original documentaries feature stories of culture, history, politics and lifestyle. Various perspectives of a story are presented to enrich the narrative. Here are captivating digital stories from around the world to bring us closer and help us understand one another better. 👉 #TunaFish #TunaScope #AI

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