
How Turkiye Uses a Mix of Humanitarian Aid and Dialogue in Its Foreign Policy

Over the past decade, several wars have broken out right on Türkiye's doorstep. From Iraq, to Syria and now Ukraine, Ankara has worked to help the millions affected by conflict. To address their needs and to works towards peace, Türkiye crafted a foreign policy centered on humanitarian aid and dialogue. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu recently described how a fast changing world, disrupted by rapid technological and political shifts, needed to be balanced with the advancement of justice and peace. Currently, Türkiye is home to the world's largest refugee population, standing at four million. Apart from opening its doors to those fleeing conflict, Ankara has also been spearheading mediation talks between Moscow and Kiev in hopes of reaching a ceasefire. Guests: Federico Donelli Researcher at the University of Genoa Helin Sari Ertem Associate Professor at Istanbul Medeniyet University

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