Tradition of making grape molasses lives on in central Turkey

Today molasses is mostly produced in factories, and packed with preservatives but villagers in a small town in central Turkey are determined to stick to the traditional way of making this Anatolian staple.

Production of molasses (Pekmez in Turkish) mostly remains a family-owned industry in Arapgir, a town in Turkey's Malatya province.

Production of molasses (Pekmez in Turkish) mostly remains a family-owned industry in Arapgir, a town in Turkey's Malatya province.

Grape molasses is Turkey's oldest sweetener used before cane sugar and honey were introduced to the Middle East and Mediterranean regions.

The country's climate and soil are ideal for grape cultivation and about one-fifth of the grapes produced in Turkey are used to make molasses.

Today it is mostly produced in factories, and packed with preservatives but villagers in a small town in central Turkey are determined to stick to the traditional way of making this Anatolian staple.

TRT World's Reagan Des Vignes reports. 

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