New charges in Floyd killing may give prosecutors path to conviction

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison on Wednesday added a more serious second-degree murder charge against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the killing of unarmed black man George Floyd. Three more officers were charged.

A protester holds a sign outside the Florida home of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was recorded with his knee on the neck of African-American man George Floyd before his death, in the Windermere neighbourhood of Orlando, Florida, US May 29, 2020.

A protester holds a sign outside the Florida home of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was recorded with his knee on the neck of African-American man George Floyd before his death, in the Windermere neighbourhood of Orlando, Florida, US May 29, 2020.

Prosecutors seeking to put a former Minneapolis police officer in prison for the death of George Floyd bolstered allegations on the use of force but stopped short of calling the killing intentional in a move legal experts said could ease the path to a conviction.

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison on Wednesday added a more serious second-degree murder charge against Derek Chauvin. Prosecutors last week accused Chauvin of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. He could serve up to 40 years in prison.

Three other officers who were with Chauvin at the time of Floyd's death - Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng, and Tou Thao - all face two counts: aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter. Two of those officers helped keep Floyd pinned to the ground.

Christa Groshek, a defence attorney in Minneapolis, said that the second-degree murder charge for Chauvin made more sense than third-degree murder, which she said was a murky statute and requires showing that a defendant evinced "a depraved mind."

Under Minnesota law, second-degree murder can be charged as an intentional or unintentional act.


People take part in a Black Lives Matter protest, amid nationwide unrest following the death in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd, in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, US, June 3, 2020.

Groshek said she believed there was enough evidence to charge Chauvin with intentional murder, but deeming it "unintentional" means prosecutors need only show Chauvin meant to inflict the harm that led to Floyd's death.

"It makes their job a lot easier. They don't have to prove intent to kill," Groshek said. "This allows for a jury to return a conviction without having to believe the cop was bad. Juries don't like to convict cops."

Eric Nelson, the lawyer representing Chauvin, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Floyd, 46, died on May 25 after Chauvin used a knee to pin his neck for nearly nine minutes. A video of the incident led to a week of sometimes violent protests and civil unrest in dozens of US cities.

The new charges also modify the probable cause statement that was included with Chauvin's original charging document.


People take part in a protest against the death in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd, in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, US, June 3, 2020.

Prosecutors added that force was clearly not needed to control the handcuffed Floyd. They also removed language that said Floyd at one point resisted arrest, and included that he told officers who were attempting to put him in a squad car that he was not trying to resist arrest, but was claustrophobic.

Both versions of Chauvin's charging document said that police officers receive training that the restraint techniques the defendants used with Floyd are "inherently dangerous" and asserts they caused substantial bodily harm and his death.

Ellison, in announcing the new charges, said that every detail would be crucial in winning convictions.

"Trying this case will not be an easy thing. Winning a conviction will be hard," Ellison said.

He said Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman, who is part of the prosecution team, "is the only prosecutor in the state of Minnesota who has successfully convicted a police officer for murder."

Minnesota sentencing guidelines suggest that someone convicted for second-degree murder without a criminal history receive between 22 and 30 years in prison. But defense attorney Groshek said prosecutors would likely seek more than that if they secure a conviction against Chauvin.


Police officers block a street near the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco, Sunday, May 31, 2020.

More than 100 charged with looting, assaults in California

California authorities have charged more than 100 people with looting, assault and other crimes committed during and around protests while police in a San Francisco Bay Area city said on Wednesday that a break-in suspect died after being shot by police who mistook his hammer for a gun.

More than 3,000 people have been arrested in Los Angeles County since protests began last week, most accused of curfew violations. 

The county produced the lion's share of those charged with 61. Sacramento County has filed charges against 43 people and Orange County brought felony cases against two men, accusing one of trying to steal a police car and another of assaulting an officer by throwing rocks and bottles during demonstrations.


Demonstrators march in San Francisco on Sunday, May 31, 2020, protesting the death of George Floyd.

Los Angeles District District Attorney Jackie Lacey has been criticised for reluctance to bring charges against police officers for misconduct. At some Los Angeles protests demonstrators have chanted for her to be removed.

She said she supports peaceful protests “that already have brought needed attention to racial inequality throughout our society, including in the criminal justice system” but has a duty to “prosecute people who loot and vandalise our community.”

The charges were in crimes committed during sometimes violent protests and looting last weekend and Monday. Since then there has been much less crime and the demonstrations have taken on a more upbeat atmosphere. Local leaders and police have sometimes taken knees with demonstrators.

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