Children run radio station at South African hospital

The project aims to teach young people about broadcast media, and reach out to child patients.

The R-X Radio station currently broadcasts at two hospitals in South Africa's Cape Town.

The R-X Radio station currently broadcasts at two hospitals in South Africa's Cape Town.

A radio station in South Africa is tuning in to children's voices. 

Run by and catering for young people, R-X Radio operates out of a children's hospital in Cape Town. 

It aims to teach young people about broadcast media, and reach out to child patients. 

"The children are at the centre of everything; they are the ones coming up with the script; they are the ones writing the news; show ideas; questions for guests they give suggestions," says Chris Booth, a producer at the radio station.

"It's all about them and hearing their voices and it is centred around them," Booth says.

Crystal Orderson reports from Cape Town.

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