Khojaly Massacre: Tensions simmer between Armenia and Azerbaijan

It's only been two years since Azerbaijan and Armenia last went to war over the disputed region of Karabakh. But how close are they to another conflict?

Houses destroyed during fighting in Martakert province in occupied Karabakh, Azerbaijan.
AP Archive

Houses destroyed during fighting in Martakert province in occupied Karabakh, Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan and Armenia last went to war over occupied Karabakh two years ago. However, tensions remain, and further fighting cannot be ruled out.

The  stand-off over the Karabakh region has lasted for nearly three decades in a conflict that has claimed over more than 30,000 lives and displaced over one million people, mainly Azerbaijani.

The memory of that massacre remains fresh on the minds of many Azerbaijani officials.

Two years ago, in Talish, fierce fighting with the Armenians took place. The line of contact between Azerbaijan and Armenia in no man's land remains quiet today.

But just two years ago after heavy fighting, Azerbaijan captured strategic areas overlooking the Armenian military.

Despite four UN Security Council resolutions demanding that Armenia withdraw, the occupation of Karabakh continues.

TRT World's Oubai Shahbandar has more on the story. 

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