Israel should consider 'terror' tag for Jewish extremists: minister

Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz said it was time to examine defining extremists groups like La Familia and Lehava as terror groups.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid described Lehava and La Familia as a "disgrace" who weren't "worthy of holding the Israeli flag".

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid described Lehava and La Familia as a "disgrace" who weren't "worthy of holding the Israeli flag".

Israel should consider placing on its terrorism list two right-wing extremist groups accused of violence towards Palestinians and who called for the death of Arabs, Defence Minister Benny Gantz has said.

"I believe it is time to examine defining groups like La Familia and Lehava as terror groups, and I know the issue is being presented to security forces", Gantz said on Monday during a faction meeting of his Blue and White party.

Thousands of flag-waving Israelis on Sunday marched through the Old City during a nationalist procession marking Israel's 1967 capture of the occupied East Jerusalem.

Some marchers chanted "death to Arabs" and “ Let your village burn down”.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid described Lehava and La Familia as a "disgrace" who weren't "worthy of holding the Israeli flag".

READ MORE: Tensions high as Israelis march in occupied East Jerusalem


Extremists groups

La Familia is a group of fans of the Beitar Jerusalem football club, notorious for their anti-Arab racism and violence.

Lehava is an extremist right-wing group that is affiliated with the teachings of the extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose Kach group is outlawed in Israel.

Israeli officials have from time to time previously raised the issue of designating La Familia and Lehava as terrorist groups, but have never gone through with the process.

READ MORE: Hundreds of Jewish settlers storm Al Aqsa complex in run-up to flag march

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