PKK/YPG torches office of Syrian Kurdish National Council

With the latest attack in Qamishli district in northeastern Syria, the total number of offices burned by the terror group since March 1 reaches to 10, says the council.

The terrorists assaulted  members of the KNC at the office, located in the city of Qamishli, the local sources added. /Photo: AA Archive

The terrorists assaulted  members of the KNC at the office, located in the city of Qamishli, the local sources added. /Photo: AA Archive

Members of the PKK/YPG terror group have set fire to an office of the Syrian Kurdish National Council (KNC), a Kurdish opposition group in northeastern Syria.

The terrorists also assaulted members of the KNC at the office, located in the city of Qamishli, said the local sources on Tuesday.

In a written statement, the KNC said the PKK/YPG had burned 10 of its own offices and those of member parties in areas it has occupied since March 1.

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"The Syrian Kurdish National Council strongly condemns these terrorist acts carried out by armed groups affiliated with (PKK/YPG) PYD. We also call on the International Coalition and NGOs to condemn such terrorist acts," the statement said.

The KNC was formed in October 2011 by representatives of Syrian-Kurdish political parties and civil society organisations. It is part of the opposition High Negotiation Committee.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, PKK has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants. The YPG is PKK’s Syrian offshoot.

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