Clashes between PKK, Arab tribes: What is happening in Syria's Deir Ezzor?

"The documented crimes of PYD/YPG-SDF under UN reports, such as forcibly recruiting minors, conducting arbitrary detentions of civilians, and subjecting civilians to forced displacement, have reached an unacceptable level," security sources say.

PKK/YPG-SDF terrorist organisation continues its attacks in de-escalated areas in Syria, it has launched multiple mortar attacks on opposition-held areas on Friday, resulting in the deaths of six people, including five children. / Photo: AA Archive
AA Archive

PKK/YPG-SDF terrorist organisation continues its attacks in de-escalated areas in Syria, it has launched multiple mortar attacks on opposition-held areas on Friday, resulting in the deaths of six people, including five children. / Photo: AA Archive

Tensions have escalated into an armed conflict between the PKK/YPG-SDF, supported by the US-led Global Coalition against Daesh, and the fractions of the Deir Ezzor Military Council due to the terrorist organisation's hegemonic practices.

"Numerous casualties and injuries have occurred on both sides during the clashes. The organisation's inclination towards violence and repression in resolving issues during this period has contributed to increased casualties," security sources said on Friday.

"Additionally, the protective stance of the United States towards the terrorist organisation during these events has emboldened the PKK/YPG-SDF and has provoked significant backlash among Arab tribes."

"The violence perpetrated by the PKK/YPG-SDF, which is another terrorist organisation armed ostensibly to combat Daesh, against the local population in areas located east of the Euphrates has reached concerning levels," the sources added.

The PKK/YPG-SDF's violence-prone approach towards the population under its control has once again demonstrated that the terrorist organisation cannot effectively represent the rights of Syrian Kurds and Arabs nor act as an efficient actor in the fight against Daesh.

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Targeting civilians

In addition, the PKK/YPG-SDF terrorist organisation continues its attacks in de-escalated areas in Syria, in addition to its oppression of Arab tribes.

The terror group has launched multiple mortar and rocket attacks on opposition-held areas on Friday, resulting in the death of six people, including five children.

"The documented crimes of PYD/YPG-SDF under UN reports, such as forcibly recruiting minors, conducting arbitrary detentions of civilians, and subjecting civilians to forced displacement, have reached an unacceptable level," the sources said.

"The terror group's ongoing attempts to dominate Syria's natural resources and its people are unacceptable."

The activities of the PKK/YPG-SDF terrorist organisation pose the most significant threat to Syria's territorial integrity and stability.

"Recent clashes and attacks targeting civilians underscore that the 'fraternity of peoples' rhetoric of the terrorist organisation is, in reality, just one example of the violence it inflicts upon the local population," the sources added.

The recent events have once again highlighted that the PKK/YPG-SDF does not represent the rights of Syrian Kurds and Arabs and readily transforms into an oppressive organisation, resorting to terrorism in all circumstances.

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Intense conflict

Earlier on Friday, local sources said armed Arab tribes in Jarablus launched an operation to completely clear out the terrorist organisation from the region, with the majority of it under the control of opposition forces and some parts occupied by the PKK/YPG terror outfit.

PKK/YPG terrorists were cleared from the area after the heavy clashes.

Following that, the terrorist organisation, which continues its occupation in the northern parts of the Manbij district, launched an attack on the village in the Jarablus region that killed six people and injured eight others.

In response to the attack on civilians, Arab tribes used heavy weapons to target the PKK/YPG positions.

The armed conflict has since been intensifying with Arab tribes in the PKK/YPG-occupied area of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria.

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Türkiye following clashes between PKK, Arab tribes in Syria with concern

Following with 'concern'

Ankara said it is closely following the recent clashes between the branches of PKK/YPG terror group and some Arab tribal elements in the countryside of Syria's eastern Deir Ezzor province with “concern”.

“Recent development is the new manifestation of PKK’s attempts to dominate Syrians by applying violence and pressure on them and violating their basic human rights,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday.

“We hope that the true colours of PKK, seeking to cover up its aims and intention under the pretext of a fight against Daesh, will be seen by its supporters without further delay and without causing further suffering to the ancient peoples of the region, including the Syrian Kurds,” the ministry added.

In its more than 40-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organisation by Türkiye, the US, UK, and EU – has been responsible for the deaths of nearly 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants.

The YPG is PKK's Syrian branch.

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