Pioneering urban solutions: Samsun shines on Türkiye's Black Sea coast

The City Governance Centre established by the municipality aims to alleviate urban problems such as the management of traffic, earthquake, and road accidents.

The Smart City Traffic Security Project of the City Governance Centre of Samsun aims to monitor and regulate traffic flow across the city's thoroughfares. /Photo: Samsun Metropolitan Municipality

The Smart City Traffic Security Project of the City Governance Centre of Samsun aims to monitor and regulate traffic flow across the city's thoroughfares. /Photo: Samsun Metropolitan Municipality

Nestled along the picturesque shores of the Black Sea, the port city of Samsun boasts a rich tapestry of history that intertwines seamlessly with its vibrant urban landscape.

From its ancient roots as a bustling trading hub for the Byzantine Empire to its pivotal role in the Turkish War of Independence, Samsun's storied past is palpable at every turn.

For history enthusiasts, the city offers a plethora of attractions to explore.

The Archaeological and Ataturk Museums beckon visitors to embark on a journey through time, showcasing artifacts that span millennia.

Meanwhile, the winding streets of Saathane Square whisper tales of Ottoman-era grandeur, with historic landmarks like the Tashan, Medrese Mosque, Sifa Bath, and Clock Tower standing as testaments to the city's rich architectural heritage.

Yet, amidst the echoes of its illustrious past, Samsun stands as a modern metropolis grappling with the challenges of urban governance.

Especially between 2019 and 2023, the use of individual vehicles with Samsun-licensed plates surged by 54 percent, putting strain on the city's transportation network.

Managing the intricate web of traffic arteries and intercity lines presents a formidable task, but the city's innovative urban management approach offers hope.

At the heart of this urban vision lies the City Governance Centre, a dynamic hub dedicated to tackling the complexities of urban life.

With the management of a quarter of the city's intersections already underway, the Centre is poised to become the nerve center for traffic management, promising not only order but also safety for its inhabitants.

Here’s how this centre helps in the city.


The City Governance Centre fosters a dynamic understanding of urban complexities by adapting technological means to its system. /Photo: TRT World

Traffic management

To tackle the multifaceted challenges of urban living, Samsun has inaugurated its City Governance Centre, promising a multi-dimensional approach to addressing issues ranging from traffic management to earthquake preparedness.

At the heart of this initiative is the Smart City Traffic Security Project, an innovative system designed to monitor and regulate traffic flow across the city's thoroughfares.

Equipped with advanced camera technology, the centre offers real-time surveillance of intersections and key traffic points, providing authorities with invaluable insights into the city's transportation dynamics.

This proactive approach to urban management enables swift responses to incidents such as accidents, allowing authorities to reroute traffic efficiently and minimise disruptions.


The Centre aims to address issues ranging from traffic management to earthquake preparedness. /Photo: TRT World

The use of mentor

At the helm of this endeavor is a dedicated team comprising city planners, construction engineers, and transportation experts tasked with charting the course for the city's transportation future, Kadir Gurkan, the head of the Transportation Department in the centre, tells TRT World.

"Our responsibility extends far beyond the present moment; we're laying the groundwork for the city's transportation landscape for years to come," he adds.

From short-term fixes to long-term strategies, the team meticulously analyses the city's transportation infrastructure, identifying weaknesses and leveraging strengths to craft comprehensive reports that serve as the blueprint for progress.

However, what sets their approach apart from other municipalities is the utilisation of a mentorship system within the project, he says.


Through surveillance cameras, the team of the Centre analyses the city's transportation infrastructure. /Photo: TRT World

Crossroads of in-city and inter-city lines

One of the key challenges the team faces is the impact of wagon trains traversing from Central Anatolia to Samsun, creating congestion at critical junction points.

To address this issue, ambitious projects are underway to modernise crossroads and boulevards, providing alternative routes to alleviate traffic congestion and streamline the flow of goods and people.

Gurkan showcases footage captured by surveillance cameras, revealing the congestion that ensues after a train from the Amasya-Sivas direction passes through.

He highlights the staggering statistic that these trains, passing eight times a day, contribute to an average delay of 32 minutes for other vehicles navigating the city streets.


The incerasing use of personal vehicles in the city led municipality to find alternative solutions. /Photo: TRT World

Cohesive strategy

The seamless coordination between various municipal units, including the police and transportation departments, ensures a cohesive strategy in handling urban challenges.

"Given the increasing individual use of roads by personal vehicles, it became imperative for us to adopt a holistic approach to traffic management," remarked Gurkan.

The City Governance Centre not only enhances our ability to manage traffic but also fosters a dynamic understanding of urban complexities.


Improving existing boulevards and crossroads are among the project the Centre has been currently working on. /Photo: TRT World

The initiative has also garnered recognition from the Smart City Practices Association of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, affirming its effectiveness in promoting sustainable urban development and enhancing citizen safety.

Samsun municipality is run by AK Party since 2019. The center has been opened during the tenure of its current mayor, Mustafa Demir.

“Samsun has lots of potential for development in every field and it continues to develop,” Demir tells TRT World.

“To re-introduce this city to its history and create a vision for the future by using all kinds of information and technology at the highest level gives me a lot of joy,” he adds.

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