Strong women, strong families, and strong Türkiye: President Erdogan

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan congratulates women in Türkiye and all women worldwide on the occasion of International Women's Day.

"We have made positive discrimination in favor of women, especially freedom for the headscarf, a constitutional rule," Erdogan said.  /Photo: AA

"We have made positive discrimination in favor of women, especially freedom for the headscarf, a constitutional rule," Erdogan said.  /Photo: AA

"Türkiye increased the representation of women in decision-making mechanisms four to five times, and the number of employed women increased from 6 million to 10.5 million," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said.

Speaking at the "Women Empowered by Türkiye and Empowering Türkiye" event on Friday, the Turkish president added that those daring to teach humanity about human rights never talk about harassment, violence, and discrimination their women face.

Congratulating women in Türkiye and all women worldwide on the occasion of International Women's Day, he said, "I hope that March 8 brings peace, friendship, sisterhood, and solidarity."

'Strong women, strong families, strong Türkiye'

"Not only March 8, but also the remaining 364 days of the year are women's day, and it should be so," he added.

Referring to the goals of the 'Century of Türkiye,' he expressed that the country is preparing on the axis of strong women, strong families, and strong Türkiye.

"Strong families guarantee our survival as a nation and state and our future," he said.

Reiterating how Türkiye went further on women's rights, he said, "We have made positive discrimination in favor of women, especially freedom for the headscarf, a constitutional rule."

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Turkish First Lady celebrates International Women's Day

Women in Gaza

Turkish President Erdogan also criticised those who do not take action against 'Israel's genocidal policies'. However, they give 'lessons of rights, law to rest of humanity' as the war in Gaza enters into its 154th day.

Around 60,000 pregnant women in Gaza are suffering from malnutrition and dehydration due to Israel’s war against the enclave, the Palestinian Health Ministry has said on the eve of International Women's Day.

It added that women make up 49 percent of the population of Gaza, most of them in childbearing age, with about 5,000 women giving birth monthly in harsh, unsafe and unhealthy conditions as a result of shelling and displacement.

The Ministry also said the Israeli army has killed nearly 9,000 Palestinian women in the course of its devastating onslaught on the enclave.

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Over 9,000 women killed, 60,000 pregnant in Gaza malnourished — ministry

"Türkiye in talks to ensure unity among Palestinians"

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also said that Türkiye is in talks with all parties to ensure unity among different Palestinian factions.

"We are meeting with all parties to ensure unity among our Palestinian brothers," President Erdogan said at a Turkish Youth Foundation event in Istanbul.

"We are making every effort with our heart, tongue, and hands to put an end to the massacre in Gaza and the oppression in Palestine, without giving in to any threats," he added.

Erdogan said American and European states that “encouraged and supported Israel have been recorded in history as patrons of murderers of women and children."

“To restore the dignity of humanity, it is essential for these states to reconsider their attitudes and correct their mistakes,” he added.

The Turkish president remarked that the Israeli administration led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “murderous, liar, and coward."

Erdogan added that in Israel, those who are perpetrators and those who did not oppose the Israeli attacks, are responsible for “the massacre “of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians .

“The Palestinian people living under Israeli occupation endure a system of oppression that poisons every moment of their lives, from sitting at home to walking on the streets, going to work, or attending school,” he further said.

“Gang of thieves called settlers”

“The Israeli government is a thief, seizing the lands, fields, and homes that the Palestinian people have owned for thousands of years,” he added.

Erdogan also stated that the “gang of thieves called settlers” has been conducting usurpations under Israel’s justice and police’s watch and support.

“The Israeli government represents a fascist mentality, aiming to destroy various groups, including Jews, under the claim of a superior race, echoing the Nazi ideology. Israel's current government is the representative of this Nazi mindset,” he added.

"Even being associated with the Netanyahu administration is a heavy punishment in itself, a shameful shame," he said.

"Like all great oppressors, the Israeli administration, which slaughters children and women in the name of Zionism and oppresses innocents who have no means of defending themselves, is also a coward."

Erdogan urged that "humanity must take collective action against Israel's genocidal policy."

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