Turkish reserve forces to leave Kosovo after fulfilling mission

The unit will be withdrawn having successfully fulfilled its mission, contributing to ensuring peace in Kosovo from June 10 to August 31.

In June, Türkiye dispatched extra troops to Kosovo in response to a request from NATO following recent tensions. / Photo: AA

In June, Türkiye dispatched extra troops to Kosovo in response to a request from NATO following recent tensions. / Photo: AA

Turkish reserve forces deployed to Kosovo are set to return to their country with the end of their mission on Wednesday.

"Our deployed unit, following its arrival at Sultan Murat Barracks in Kosovo on June 6, 2023, has made a significant contribution to ensuring peace in Kosovo between June 10 and Aug. 31, and has successfully fulfilled its mission," the Turkish defence ministry said on Tuesday.

Türkiye resumes its contributions to regional and global peace and stability within the framework of duties in the UN, NATO, EU, and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), as well as in the context of bilateral relations, it added.

The ministry also said that Türkiye continues to closely monitor developments in the Balkans, where shared historical and cultural values exist.

Türkiye deployed additional troops to Kosovo in June in response to NATO's request after recent tensions.

Tensions gripped Kosovo as local Serbs protested the election of ethnic Albanian mayors in four municipalities in May in northern municipalities.

Ethnic Serbs in the north, the country’s second-largest ethnic group, protested the election of ethnic Albanian mayors.

"Türkiye will continue to fulfil its commitments to NATO and contributions, just as it has always done," it said.

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