Türkiye warns of Gaza crisis spilling over into Syria

New round of talks on Syrian settlement begins in Kazakhstan's capital, to discuss the effect of the situation in Gaza on Syria in the wake of new attacks by Israel.

Participants of the Astana format include Iran, Russia, Syria, Türkiye and the UN. / Photo: TRT World

Participants of the Astana format include Iran, Russia, Syria, Türkiye and the UN. / Photo: TRT World

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has underscored the need to prevent the conflict in Palestine's Gaza from spilling over into Syria.

Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmet Yildiz held bilateral talks on the margins of the Astana Meetings in Kazakhstan's capital, the ministry wrote on X on Wednesday.

Yildiz "conveyed our messages to our interlocutors in order to avoid any reflection of the developments in Gaza to Syria, and to immediately revitalise the political process for the settlement of humanitarian issues and finding a permanent solution within the framework of UNSC Resolution 2254," it said.

A new round of talks on Syrian settlement began on Wednesday.

Participants of the Astana format, which includes Iran, Russia, Syria, Türkiye and the UN, gathered for their 21st meeting to discuss the effect of the situation in Gaza on Syria in the wake of new attacks by Israel.

Representatives from Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Committee of the Red Cross are expected to participate as observers.

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