Türkiye won't give up exposing Israel's lies: Communications Director Altun

Reiterating dedication to unlimited responsibility for a more just world, Fahrettin Altun states that initiatives like TRT World Citizen involve rigorous efforts to surpass conventional patterns in the media and move towards a better future.

Altun emphasised Israel's attempts to spread black propaganda through officials, academics, and media. He assured, "This time, they cannot succeed." / Photo: AA

Altun emphasised Israel's attempts to spread black propaganda through officials, academics, and media. He assured, "This time, they cannot succeed." / Photo: AA

Israel builds its black propaganda on lies and tries to spread it through state officials, academics, and media, Türkiye's Communications Director Fahrettin Altun has said.

"We will never give up exposing Israel's lies and bringing the truths to the world's agenda," the director stated.

During his address at the TRT World Citizen Awards ceremony on Friday, Altun expressed that individuals embodying a colonial mentality subject those who differ from them and those categorised as "others" to various forms of oppression. He emphasised, "The current oppression in Palestine by Israel, a representative of this colonial mindset, serves as a poignant illustration of such practices."

Altun said that the current international system, which has collapsed in the face of the oppression in Gaza, shows why change has become a necessity, stating, "Many Western international broadcasters display a pro-Israel, biased, and truth-averse attitude."

"During the attacks that have been going on for over 100 days, Israel conducts black propaganda activities and systematic disinformation attacks through international media organisations and social media companies."

Due to the humanitarian and conscientious obligations, Türkiye never remains indifferent to such attacks, stands in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people, and will persist in doing so, he said.

Altun highlighted that the Citizen Awards project by TRT embodies a goodwill initiative grounded in each individual's capacity to instigate positive change.

'Israel won't succeed in black propaganda'

Stating that the greatest human resistance against Israel's atrocities was demonstrated by journalists working in the region, Altun said that the journalists "not only reported the news but also fought in a glorious struggle for truth, and 119 Palestinian journalists were martyred in this effort."

The extraordinary and courageous efforts of journalists working in Gaza led to a positive wave of change worldwide, he said.

"The reason why Israel intentionally targets journalists is precisely because of the truthful and moral stance of these journalists ... The whole world knows that Israel intentionally targets journalists like Wael al Dahdouh who seek the truth, deliberately killing their families." He added that Israel tries to kill the truth and suffocate it."

Altun emphasised Israel's attempts to spread black propaganda through officials, academics, and media. He assured, "This time, they cannot succeed."

"Righteousness alone isn't sufficient; being better is necessary. We'll intensively strive in politics, diplomacy, humanitarian aid, communication, and media to end this tragedy," he added.

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