UN Chief Guterres praises Turkish First Lady Erdogan's zero waste efforts

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres hails Turkish First Lady Emine Erdogan "for her visionary leadership in critical areas such as zero waste".

Turkish first lady spearheaded the zero waste movement in Türkiye and helped it grow into a global initiative, culminating in the UN General Assembly’s December 2022 passage of a resolution in support of zero waste principles. / Photo: AA

Turkish first lady spearheaded the zero waste movement in Türkiye and helped it grow into a global initiative, culminating in the UN General Assembly’s December 2022 passage of a resolution in support of zero waste principles. / Photo: AA

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has praised Turkish First Lady Emine Erdogan's zero waste efforts, thanking the first lady for "her visionary leadership in critical areas such as zero waste".

In his message, Guterres thanked Türkiye for hosting the event in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme and UN-Habitat, stating, "I thank the esteemed Emine Erdogan, Turkish First Lady, for her visionary leadership in critical areas such as zero waste," in a video message sent to the March 30, International Zero Waste Day event held at the UN Headquarters in New York on Saturday.

Guterres also noted that the Zero Waste Advisory Board has been bringing partners together since last year to address this critical issue and turn zero waste into reality.

"At all levels, governments should invest in waste management programs focused on reuse, recycling, recovery, and waste prevention, building circular economies that address the depletion and management of resources," he said.

"The global community must unite as one body and work towards signing a legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution on Zero Waste Day."

Turkish first lady spearheaded the zero waste movement in Türkiye and helped it grow into a global initiative, culminating in the UN General Assembly’s December 2022 passage of a resolution in support of zero waste principles.

According to the UN, the International Day of Zero Waste promotes responsible production and consumption patterns and encourages a shift towards a lifecycle approach.

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Türkiye spearheads global movement on International Zero Waste Day

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