US 'doesn't recognise' so-called presidential election in Karabakh

Karabakh is not a sovereign state and the US does not acknowledge the outcomes of Armenian elections conducted in the region, spokesperson from the US State Department said.

Miller echoed Blinken's weekend calls for opening Lachin and Aghdam routes for humanitarian aid. (Photo: AP Archive)

Miller echoed Blinken's weekend calls for opening Lachin and Aghdam routes for humanitarian aid. (Photo: AP Archive)

The US has said it does not recognise the so-called election held by Armenians in territories of Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region.

During a press briefing, State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said that the US does not recognise Karabakh as "an independent and sovereign state, and therefore we do not recognise the results of those so-called presidential election that were announced over the last few days".

"The United States will continue to strongly support efforts by Armenia and Azerbaijan to resolve outstanding issues through direct dialogue," he continued.

Miller also recalled the calls made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken over the weekend that appealed for the "immediate and simultaneous opening in the Lachin and Aghdam routes to allow passage of desperately needed humanitarian supplies".

"We urge the leaders, as the secretary did in his calls, against taking any actions that raise tensions or distract from this goal," he added.

On Saturday, separatist Armenians in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan held self-proclaimed elections to elect a new separatist president, a move condemned and not recognised by many countries, including Azerbaijan, Türkiye, the UK, and the EU.

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