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Milorad Dodik Says Bosnia is ‘More Divided Than Ever’

Ethnic tensions are at risk of boiling over again in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite international warnings, Bosnian Serb leader, Milorad Dodik, went ahead with a military parade to mark Republika Srpska's national day. The day commemorates the declaration of a separate Bosnian Serb state back in 1992, which would go on to spark the brutal Bosnian war that left more than 100-thousand dead, including the Srebrenica Genocide. The controversial holiday was deemed unconstitutional by Bosnia's Constitutional Court. But that did little to stop Dodik from using the day to rally his supporters. Melinda Nucifora attended the parade and spoke to the Bosnian Serb leader, who remained defiant in the face of global criticism. Across The Balkans, hosted by Nafisa Latic, is TRT World’s programme that focuses specifically on the issues and fault lines shaping Southeast Europe today. Watch other episodes of ‘Across the Balkans’ 👉 http://trt.world/fvfp

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