Greece deploys sound cannons to shock and block migrants

Greek authorities have reportedly deployed strong sound generating devices to deter migrants from entering its borders.

Greek security members patrol near Turkey's Pazarkule border crossing, in Kastanies, Greece March 12, 2020.

Greek security members patrol near Turkey's Pazarkule border crossing, in Kastanies, Greece March 12, 2020.

Greece has reportedly installed two Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD) that can produce deafening sound waves in the area bordering Turkey to prevent refugees from entering the country. 

The devices have been delivered to Greek border security forces, according to the media reports.

People who are exposed to the LRAD can go on to suffer from deafness, severe pain and serious health problems.

The LRAD system is a controversial weapon with which to control crowds such as riots and protests.

The strong sound producers can also be used to deter wildlife from airport runways, gas and oil platforms, industrial and energy plants. 

Four drones, 15 thermal cameras, five Zodiacs boats and 10 armoured patrol vehicles (APV) were also integrated into the border surveillance system.

Greece has begun the construction of a new fence across its northeastern border with Turkey, and it will be 27 kilometres long, while eight elevated observatories will be used by the army.

Greek border forces torture migrants

Asylum seekers attempting to reach Europe with hopes of a brighter future are being tortured by Greek border authorities before being forced back towards no man's land at the Greece-Turkey border in Edirne's Uzunkopru.


Refugees in Uzunkopru told TRT World some of them had been tortured as well as stripped of their clothes and possessions by Greek border police who detained them as they were trying to enter the country. Showing the scars on their backs, they said the authorities had forced them back to no man's land in the cold, almost naked.

On 5 March, TRT World spoke to at least 20 to 30 people ––mainly men, some women and children –– who were intercepted by Greece security officials while trying to cross into Kastanies, Greece. The names of the asylum seekers who spoke to TRT World have been withheld at their request.

Children among them were also sent back in the freezing temperatures, TRT World reporters witnessed.

The migrant flow does not only occur from the border, for the Aegean Sea offers the main route for reaching Europe.

However, Greek coast guards are known for their ruthless behaviour towards refugees. They have historically tried to sink boats trying to enter the Greek islands.

It is because of these attacks that Turkish forces have been forced to rescue many asylum seekers.

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