The Flag | Storyteller

The Flag reflects on the aftermath of the 2015 Paris attacks, as local media and politics continue othering Arab and African communities.

The Flag

The Flag


[NOTE: The Flag available until June 10, 2024.]

The Flag: Exploring Fear and Blame in France after the Paris Attacks

The documentary "The Flag" delves into the aftermath of the devastating 2015 Paris attacks and their lasting impact on French society. In the wake of the tragedy, local media and politicians directed blame towards Arab and African communities, fostering a sense of alienation and "othering."

The film doesn't just focus on the present. It embarks on a historical journey to understand how security became such a dominant theme in French public discourse. Director Joseph Paris explores how the concept of "withdrawal based on identity" has been used to justify stricter border controls and increased police presence.

"The Flag" argues that the response to the Paris attacks wasn't an isolated event, but rather the culmination of decades-long policies that identified certain citizens as potential threats. The film sheds light on how these policies aimed to create a sense of peril at the borders and within France itself.

The documentary doesn't rely solely on narration. It incorporates archival footage of official speeches and television news reports dating back to the 1980s. This approach visually demonstrates the gradual rise and normalization of fear-based rhetoric.

"The Flag" also features interviews with activists like Yasser Louati, a prominent voice for human rights and civil liberties. Louati, who is frequently interviewed by international media outlets on issues of Islamophobia, remains largely absent from French media discussions.

Beyond activists, the film brings together historians and sociologists like Abdellali Hajjat, Vincent Gay, and Mireille Delmas-Marty. These experts offer their perspectives on the French state's excessive focus on security and identity. They draw connections between extreme patriotism, the expansion of secularism, and the rise of anti-Islamic sentiment, all of which coincide with policies that exclude and marginalize hundreds of thousands of French citizens.

"The Flag" is a thought-provoking documentary that encourages viewers to examine the roots of fear and its impact on society.

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